unspooling AFTER DARK
the unspooling podcast - unspooling "Rip Van Winkle" by Washington Irving

the unspooling podcast - unspooling "Rip Van Winkle" by Washington Irving


Greetings, good listener!

As I’m sure you expected, the unspooling podcast returns this week with an entire episode devoted to unspooling Washington Irving’s whimsical 1819 short story, “Rip Van Winkle.”

What does the story have to say about the nature of change?—and what lessons might it have to teach us about life? How does the story reflect the context in which it was conceived and written?—and why is it, two hundred years after its initial publication, still well worth reading? Hit play and find out, right here, on the latest installment of the unspooling podcast!

Happy listening, everybody,

- c.d.

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unspooling AFTER DARK
welcome to unspooling AFTER DARK!
come 'round the campfire and experience for yourself the most chilling and terrifying tales ever put to page.
each week, yours truly, host and author c.d. mudge, reads a legendary selection from the spine-tingling annals of gothic and horror literature.
so, come grab a seat--but don't glimpse behind the night's veil... you might not like what you find there in the dark, or worse, what you find, might like YOU...