the unspooling podcast
the unspooling podcast - "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin

the unspooling podcast - "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin


Greetings, dear listener!

A short episode this week, filled with (I hope) the insightful analysis you’re clamouring for.

Join me, as I unspool another classic feminist tale, “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, a fantastic story that will both enrich and entertain you.


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In case you missed these great episodes of the unspooling podcast

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the unspooling podcast
welcome to the unspooling podcast! a show that revels in great stories from the past and seeks to unspool their significance and value to the modern, thoughtful reader. come for the great stories, but stay for the insightful (and often playful) analysis by host and historian, c.d. mudge.
paying subscribers receive new episodes 3-5 days early!