the unspooling podcast
the unspooling podcast - The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

the unspooling podcast - The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Hey there, good listener,

Having completed our unspooling of “Rip Van Winkle” in our most recent episode, it’s time to set our sights on a new literary marvel. As such, in today’s episode, we begin what will prove to be a multi-week effort to read and unspool The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.

This quintessentially Kafkaesque tale—possessed of an ominous, foreboding air—manages to be both absolutely fantastical and wonderfully grounded in reality at the same time.

Join me, as I attempt to make heads or tails of this existential nightmare for the ages.

In all our unspooling so far, we have yet to encounter mutability in as strange and uncanny a form as the sudden predicament Gregor Samsa finds himself in upon waking to find that his body has been transformed into a hideous…

Well, you’ll just have to give this episode a listen to find out!

the unspooling podcast
welcome to the unspooling podcast! a show that revels in great stories from the past and seeks to unspool their significance and value to the modern, thoughtful reader. come for the great stories, but stay for the insightful (and often playful) analysis by host and historian, c.d. mudge.
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