Nov 23, 2023Liked by c.d. mudge

I agree with Marc! We are here and eagerly await the next snippets of what rolls around in that talented brain of yours!!

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Keep writing Cody. The people will come; the people are here.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by c.d. mudge

Love it Cody!!!!

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I feel ya, indeed. All of it. At some level, we assume that hey, at least a little bit of our massive effort will cooperate with a rational plan. Right? Nup. It's the old paradox: try too hard, fail. Try/fly too high or too low, fail. Find the middle way—aha! Fail anyway. Melt, drown, watch the boulder answer gravity with a Wheeee! and wonder wtf anyway. Yeah, yeah, redefine "failure" we know that, but it's a lot freaking harder than it sounds.

So much of what we've been told and sold is decidedly UNhelpful in navigating this...this...absolute essential need to write. I'm perturbed at that instructor's snotty comments to you, although I'm sure he thought he was proffering some kind of tough love. Pssssssssssht! Crap.

As you said, it's the source: the muse, the universe, the whatever it is, and not one mortal has any control over it. At the end of the day, it's about showing up. And as Yoda said, "Do. Or do not. There is no Try." As close to holy writ as I'll ever get.

Thank you kindly for the shout-outs! Indeed, this is a place for creativity and the ability to "do" and know there are others in the same boat. We will keep it a safe and encouraging space to be daring, disturbing, jocose, vulnerable, foolish, random, and brave. Because, as the Marines say, "If it were easy, everybody would be doing it." Bam!

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I am in awe--you get it! Feeling very seen right now; appreciate you, Kate.

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