Love this line “Showing up is an act of self-love. A powerful one.” As difficult it is to show up, especially when other people are depending on you- showing up for you can be so hard. This is a good reminder to take care ourselves first.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by c.d. mudge

Well my friend this is a profound bit of writing. I applaud your dedication and courage to this commitment. I shall be here to read all your next works.

Cee cee


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Showing up is indeed hard sometimes. But if we're not showing up on things that matter to us, we're showing up on things that don't. Either way, we show up somewhere. So I guess the silver lining lies in being able to choose, yeah? Great stuff, C.D.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by c.d. mudge

The most profound statement for me is where you recognize that if you had a million followers you would still struggle to show up. It’s easy to think that something outside of ourselves is the key to what we are yearning for...and my experience (as I draw nearer to 60) tells me otherwise. This revelation is a game changer.

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deletedDec 17, 2023Liked by c.d. mudge
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Thank you for your kind words!

And I think you're exactly right--we can do better each step of the way; we don't have to run the gauntlet all at once. (And thank god because for many of us that wouldn't be possible.)

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