Nov 8, 2023Liked by c.d. mudge

Fear that is the universal leveller. It can take the biggest person to the fetal position wailing in fear. And it can take the smallest person to the highest place of complete and abject terror. Literally frozen in fear.

Honestly the one that got me was our old friend Steve Silver Bullet, it’s old terribly dated and nothing but a werewolf movie .

Side note something to ponder at a later date. I knew the min I saw the priest! )sorry spoiler alert) Seems to be some sort of deference to the cloth or Bauer yet to the good and evil. Both which of course exist.

But I digress, the scene where the wolf is expose has all the great things which accompany a climactic cinema event. The music the suspenseful build up, the company of cast all drawn together to face their demon. For me the demon exploded out of an area I was duped into being a safe spot and I was shown graphically the errors of my ways. Jumped from one end of sectional to the other landing in my then boyfriends lap. Now my husband. But it worked just as our old buddy Steve wanted it to . As always hats off to Mr King


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Nov 3, 2023Liked by c.d. mudge

Wait! What? There are movie ratings to guide parents!?!?

I sheepishly attest to the veracity of every part of this story.

In my adult mind Gremlins was not filed in Horror but the Kids/cartoon section.

Luckily ,Cody’s mom showed me the error of my ways (not the first time btw) and the error was not repeated.

Thanks for the shout-out! An honour!

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023Liked by c.d. mudge

Great ending. Fear can be a great teacher as well.

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