This morning,
put out a call for dread-filled drabbles at the same time that over at offered the prompt: ELEGANCE.My brain, being the broken cacophony of literary garbage that it is, evidently decided to combine the two when I set out to practice today and what follows is the result—a dark drabble of precisely 100 words.
As I tend to do with such short tales, I’ve left much room for your imagination to run with the untended threads of the story, dear reader. If you wish, let me know what dread-inducing details you envisioned that I had to leave off the page…
Please enjoy,
I was always considered the graceful one of the family. Pretty. Neat. Well-mannered. But then again, next to most of them, a half-eaten hog carcass would have looked the very picture of elegance. So your mileage may vary. However, I mention my sordid ancestry, if you can believe it, not simply to further denigrate that degenerate lineage from which I am so fortunate to claim descent, but rather by way of explanation… For otherwise, I fear you might misunderstand what is about to happen and why it is that I have brought you here, alone, to this dark, secluded crossroads…
ICYMI: I believe I made an error when publishing my most recent post and many of you did not receive an email. So here’s the piece. I think it’s worth a minute of your time: