I can’t relate. I don’t think I’ve written a true word in my life ;)

So exciting that you’re jumping in the waters of fiction. I have always believed that the worlds we can create with our minds are far more fascinating than the ones in front of us.

I finished writing my second novel right before I took the break from Substack. It was as if I put the pen down and released any thoughts about writing or reading about writing.

But here’s the thing about writing fiction. Once you get a story in your head, you feel the need to tell it. The story grows and grows and grows in your head and you must take up the pen in time to capture it.

Writing these first two novels (both of which are wildly unread by anyone save for two close friends) has been the most rewarding experiences of my life. I don’t say things like that lightly. Even if no one reads them, the process of digging up all that is in your soul and releasing it through words is the best way to learn who you really are— what you really feel and why you think the way you do.

Oh, and it’s really freaking hard. Does it get easier? No. But yes. Easier because you know it’s possible. It remains hard because you still have to do it.

So sososososososo excited to read your fiction. To become intimate with the characters in your mind. To hear the stories waiting to be told.

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Man, is it EVER hard, huh? But you're right that the difficulty is at least somewhat compensated for by the payoff; emotionally; psychologically; spiritually. And thank god, too, because otherwise we'd be even crazier to do what we do!

Very excited to share some stories... it's been a long time comin', I can tell you that.

I've been flirting with reworking the draft of the novel I wrote in my early twenties because I never gave it the second-look spit-shine it deserved. Who knows, I just might be crazy enough to do it. Stay tuned.

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I attempted a first novel back when COVID started. I gave up on it because I realized I hadn’t yet learned the lessons the main character needed to learn. I’ve never picked it back up, but the themes did certainly creep into the first one I finished. No work is ever truly dead

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Aug 21Liked by c.d. mudge

Brilliant is all I need to say!

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"This really is my show and I really can do whatever I want." That is exactly what I was going to write. This is a heartfelt piece that is full of goodness all around. Go, you!

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